Vondro means - winning knowledge.
"For education be easily accessible to everyone"
That’s the idea behind Vondro.
We at Vondro are trying to unify and strengthen the current education system in India.
To begin, Vondro brings all schools, colleges, students, teachers and others under one platform, and provide a unique experience of information and knowledge that will be accessible to all at any time.
Our aim is to let education reach each and every corner of India, and be accessible to every child and student.
And to achieve this goal, Vondro begins to educate and improve the existing system which will help to create and provide cheaper mediums to spread quality education to all.
Currently Vondro is at its initial stage and allows registration of schools and colleges (India only). We will be opening doors for students, teachers etc soon. But until then everyone can find and/or visit schools and colleges at Vondro.
Vondro is the place for everything education, spanning every discipline, campus, country, and age. It’s a platform for tomrrow: a new venue for education that allows you to explore.
To learn more or to contact our team,
kindly drop your message here, or email us at
We are open for feedback, support and donations to help us build and grow this platform better and faster.
Team Vondro